Diablo 3 terminology dictionaryGear: equipment, the core of the game Diablo.
GG: wonderful?? Abbreviation of the game, "good game". Mainly as a courtesy in the end of the competition or cooperation game, sometimes incorrectly used to describe the top equipment, such as the "GG monks shoes sale!" See also: "Godly".
Glass Cannon: the Glass cannon / Contra, a term used to describe the focus on to maximize the role of attack capability abandon viability. In addition, there are a mage passive skills that name.
Glorious!: Glory, a player frequently used to express surprise, admiration, or, in most cases, used to ridicule the phrase, the phrase comes from the followers Templar in the beat released after a group of elite strange feeling.
Godly: the level of God, used to describe those strong enough to not like the players, role or items.
GW: Improved Shields is an abbreviation for "Galvanizing Ward", which is an exclusive Master of passive skills.
HC: expert mode, an abbreviation for "hardcore". Role in expert mode forever lurking behind the death, eternal death. See: "SC".
HOTA: Ancient Hammer, Hammer of the Ancients, "the abbreviation This is barbarian own skills, occasionally referred to as the" HOA ", but it will be confused with the" pain lobby "the first act of the underground city up.
HP: blood, the abbreviation for "hit points" or "health pool", which refers to the value of the role have blood. Do not be confused with HP or hp.
IAS: Increased Attack Speed abbreviation for "increase attack speed", sometimes referred to as "AS". This is a property, equipment and affect the role overall damage output. See: "DPS".
IGG: gold coins within the game, is the abbreviation for "in-game gold", when the players said the IGG, they usually say is the game gold.
IK: Immortal King suit, the abbreviation of "Immortal King" suite, which is a package designed for barbarians design.
ILVL: Item Level, is an abbreviation of "item level", which is an attribute of the items associated.
imba: imbalance, an abbreviation for "imbalanced". Often means that the players feel something too powerful or abused. See: "OP" and "UP."
ISO: requirements for "in search of" the abbreviation. Usually used to seek certain things, such as "ISO ____ [properties]" or "third act seeking group See:" LFG "WTB and WTT
JW: Jie Lunge abbreviation for "Jay Wilson" He is Diablo 3 game director. Divergent views for the game industry's achievements.
Kulle Story, Bro: a good story, brother. From a dialogue often used, "cool story, brother." This change is a tribute to God in the role of Jordan Kule Diablo.
Lag: card, a term that is sometimes used to describe the connection between the network of players and Diablo 3 server. However, the more common use is as an excuse to cover up his own performance in the game, such as death (slowing down the brush strange progress of the team). Occasionally also a legitimate reason.
LAK: kill back to the blood, is an abbreviation of "life after kill", this equipment attributes after each kill enemies roles Reply x amount of blood. Often incorrectly referred to as the "LOK" (life on kill).
Leg: Legend abbreviation for "legendary", do not be confused, and you walk the guy running the.
LFG: seeking group, is an abbreviation of "looking for group", this sentence indicates a player is looking for a team. See: "ISO".
LOH: strike back, the abbreviation for "life on hit", the players each attack to restore a certain percentage of the amount of blood.
Look! More Hidden Footprints!: A quick look, the more hidden enough Kyi! When the game players find hidden details or mechanisms of their adverse role caustic comments. Derived from witch followers ...
Loot: booty, any drop in the game, players can take up items (equipment, gold coins, potions, book pages, precious stones, etc.).
LS: Life steal, the abbreviation of "life steal", which is an attribute, the damage done to the players a certain percentage of blood back.
The Machine: Purgatory devices abbreviation for "Infernal Machine", used to allow players to face D3 super boss items. See: "Uber".
Main: tuba, which is the primary role of the players. On it, the players spent most of the time, blood, sweat and tears, and sometimes there will be money in paying the money. See: "Alt".
The surface cover of Mempo: Twilight abbreviation for "Mempo of Twilight", this is undoubtedly a career best enhance DPS and EHP helmet. See: "BIS" DPS and EHP. "
MJ: The horse that Zuma, the abbreviation of "Manajuma" package, but this is rarely used term packages including the bloody sacrifice of the horse that Zuma carved bone knife and horses that Zuma two witch doctors exclusive equipment.
Monk: Diablo 3 melee agility-type role.
MP: monster strength, "" monster power "an abbreviation, this is a game option allows players to adjust the difficulty of the game can raise or lower the value of life and injury of the monster range from 0 to 10, 10 is the hardest 's.
MS: movement speed, the abbreviation of "movement speed", role attributes in the game world, the ability to act. Do not be confused with Microsoft.
MW: magic weapon, the abbreviation of "Magic Weapon" Master a skill.
The Nat: Natalya suit the abbreviation for "Natalya" packages mainly for agile roles preparations.
The OBO: Price abbreviation for "or best offer", generally together with the sale of goods or auction of equipment used. Usually sold by the seller and potential buyers negotiating price. See also: 'BO' and the 'C / O'
OP: too strong, the abbreviation for "overpowered" or main stickers, for?? Original post / poster of abbreviations. The former refers to any players that destroy the balance of things (see: "imba" and "UP"). The latter refers to the forum theme.
OWE: harmony between man and nature, is an abbreviation for "One With Everything", is a passive skill of the monks.
P #: peak level, an abbreviation for "Paragon level". For example, "P12" refers to the peak level 12, "P100" is a peak level 100, and so on.
PA: the Lingguang Armor, for "Prismatic Armor" abbreviation, which is a Rune Mage energy armor skills. Do not confuse it with the cohesive energy barrier Rune. See: "EA" and "FA".
Permafreeze: unlimited ice, is the Master of a play, use the Frost Nova critical mass and Passive skills. See: "Build" and "CM."
Pets: Pets, players summoned something. The most common is the witch doctor, but other roles can also have a pet, such as Demon Hunter and Mage.
PK: abbreviation for "player kill" or "player killer", it means to kill or directly cause the death of another role player controls behavior is a player-controlled characters. Currently, the most common behavior in expert mode, the PVP yet to be announced. See: "PVP".
PM: secret language abbreviation for "private message", a frequently used messaging system in the game or in the online forums.
Primary Stat: main attributes, namely agility (Demon Hunter and Monk), intelligence (Witch Doctor and Master), strength (barbarians).
PVE: is an abbreviation of "players vs. Environment", often referred to as the PVM or players vs the monsters "refers to a play dominated by players with AI confrontation. See: "PVP".
PVP: abbreviation for "players vs. Players", refers to a battle between the players and the other players mainly a play. See: "PK" and "PVE". (Diablo 3 not provide this functionality)
QQ: from emoticons Q_Q looks like two eyes, tears streaming down both sides. Representatives cry or complain. Not to be confused with Chinese instant messaging software.
Quadfecta: Four Attack, is used to describe the main attributes, attack speed, crit rate and crit damage equipment term of four properties. See: "Trifecta" and "Quintfecta."
Quintfecta: Five attack, a is used to describe the main attributes, the average damage, attack speed, crit rate and crit damage equipment term of five properties. See: "Trifecta" and "Quadfecta."
Rage: anger, when a player is too angry or sad into a temporary severe anxiety, despair, and in the two state common phenomenon. The usual result is in the online comments vent, or in the worst case, to resort to violence. See: "Rage quit."
Rage quit: anger retreat generally difficult for a player to self-sustaining (see: "Rage"). Often in the form of their phone line is unplugged from the wall or on the computer, or simply hit ALT + F4, anger delete the game. Sometimes, but not always the case in real life, players will isolate themselves or depression, or in the most serious cases, causing mental or physical harm to themselves or others. See: "QQ".
RD: hurt the rebound, the abbreviation of "Reflect Damage" is elite and championship strange groups sometimes have affixes the role due to injury, you can bounce back to a certain percentage. See: "Affix".
Resource: energy, Diablo 3 roles to display their skills energy consumption. Divided into: anger (Barbarian), Devil May Cry (hatred and precepts), energy (monks), Mana (witch doctor), Mage (Arcane Power).
RMAH: cash auction house, is an abbreviation for "real money auction house". This allows players to place real money trading goods and daily goods (including gold).
RNG: Random Number Generator, an abbreviation for "Random Number Generator". This is a Diablo 3 where a lot of content related to the system, such as items affixes and quality, elite monster affixes underground city map and path. See also: 'affix' and 'Roll.'
Roll: throw the dice, used to describe the process of random properties of a particular item. When an item is dropped, the properties of the items randomly on the throw of the dice "to determine affix the number and quality of the goods (for example, 50-200 Agility). See: "Affix" and "RNG".
ROT: toad rain, Rain of Toads the abbreviation, which is exclusive witch doctor skills.
Rubberbanding: card, the phrase used to describe the role of a player suddenly "rebound" phenomenon go back to the previous position. This is usually a bug in the game or delay the result. The worst example from the Master, when he uses the wormhole repeatedly sent across the entire map will suddenly "snap back" to the map at the entrance. The Blizzard developers in each patch are claimed to have corrected the problem of the rebound, but the contrast in the actual game.
GG: wonderful?? Abbreviation of the game, "good game". Mainly as a courtesy in the end of the competition or cooperation game, sometimes incorrectly used to describe the top equipment, such as the "GG monks shoes sale!" See also: "Godly".
Glass Cannon: the Glass cannon / Contra, a term used to describe the focus on to maximize the role of attack capability abandon viability. In addition, there are a mage passive skills that name.
Glorious!: Glory, a player frequently used to express surprise, admiration, or, in most cases, used to ridicule the phrase, the phrase comes from the followers Templar in the beat released after a group of elite strange feeling.
Godly: the level of God, used to describe those strong enough to not like the players, role or items.
GW: Improved Shields is an abbreviation for "Galvanizing Ward", which is an exclusive Master of passive skills.
HC: expert mode, an abbreviation for "hardcore". Role in expert mode forever lurking behind the death, eternal death. See: "SC".
HOTA: Ancient Hammer, Hammer of the Ancients, "the abbreviation This is barbarian own skills, occasionally referred to as the" HOA ", but it will be confused with the" pain lobby "the first act of the underground city up.
HP: blood, the abbreviation for "hit points" or "health pool", which refers to the value of the role have blood. Do not be confused with HP or hp.
IAS: Increased Attack Speed abbreviation for "increase attack speed", sometimes referred to as "AS". This is a property, equipment and affect the role overall damage output. See: "DPS".
IGG: gold coins within the game, is the abbreviation for "in-game gold", when the players said the IGG, they usually say is the game gold.
IK: Immortal King suit, the abbreviation of "Immortal King" suite, which is a package designed for barbarians design.
ILVL: Item Level, is an abbreviation of "item level", which is an attribute of the items associated.
imba: imbalance, an abbreviation for "imbalanced". Often means that the players feel something too powerful or abused. See: "OP" and "UP."
ISO: requirements for "in search of" the abbreviation. Usually used to seek certain things, such as "ISO ____ [properties]" or "third act seeking group See:" LFG "WTB and WTT
JW: Jie Lunge abbreviation for "Jay Wilson" He is Diablo 3 game director. Divergent views for the game industry's achievements.
Kulle Story, Bro: a good story, brother. From a dialogue often used, "cool story, brother." This change is a tribute to God in the role of Jordan Kule Diablo.
Lag: card, a term that is sometimes used to describe the connection between the network of players and Diablo 3 server. However, the more common use is as an excuse to cover up his own performance in the game, such as death (slowing down the brush strange progress of the team). Occasionally also a legitimate reason.
LAK: kill back to the blood, is an abbreviation of "life after kill", this equipment attributes after each kill enemies roles Reply x amount of blood. Often incorrectly referred to as the "LOK" (life on kill).
Leg: Legend abbreviation for "legendary", do not be confused, and you walk the guy running the.
LFG: seeking group, is an abbreviation of "looking for group", this sentence indicates a player is looking for a team. See: "ISO".
LOH: strike back, the abbreviation for "life on hit", the players each attack to restore a certain percentage of the amount of blood.
Look! More Hidden Footprints!: A quick look, the more hidden enough Kyi! When the game players find hidden details or mechanisms of their adverse role caustic comments. Derived from witch followers ...
Loot: booty, any drop in the game, players can take up items (equipment, gold coins, potions, book pages, precious stones, etc.).
LS: Life steal, the abbreviation of "life steal", which is an attribute, the damage done to the players a certain percentage of blood back.
The Machine: Purgatory devices abbreviation for "Infernal Machine", used to allow players to face D3 super boss items. See: "Uber".
Main: tuba, which is the primary role of the players. On it, the players spent most of the time, blood, sweat and tears, and sometimes there will be money in paying the money. See: "Alt".
The surface cover of Mempo: Twilight abbreviation for "Mempo of Twilight", this is undoubtedly a career best enhance DPS and EHP helmet. See: "BIS" DPS and EHP. "
MJ: The horse that Zuma, the abbreviation of "Manajuma" package, but this is rarely used term packages including the bloody sacrifice of the horse that Zuma carved bone knife and horses that Zuma two witch doctors exclusive equipment.
Monk: Diablo 3 melee agility-type role.
MP: monster strength, "" monster power "an abbreviation, this is a game option allows players to adjust the difficulty of the game can raise or lower the value of life and injury of the monster range from 0 to 10, 10 is the hardest 's.
MS: movement speed, the abbreviation of "movement speed", role attributes in the game world, the ability to act. Do not be confused with Microsoft.
MW: magic weapon, the abbreviation of "Magic Weapon" Master a skill.
The Nat: Natalya suit the abbreviation for "Natalya" packages mainly for agile roles preparations.
The OBO: Price abbreviation for "or best offer", generally together with the sale of goods or auction of equipment used. Usually sold by the seller and potential buyers negotiating price. See also: 'BO' and the 'C / O'
OP: too strong, the abbreviation for "overpowered" or main stickers, for?? Original post / poster of abbreviations. The former refers to any players that destroy the balance of things (see: "imba" and "UP"). The latter refers to the forum theme.
OWE: harmony between man and nature, is an abbreviation for "One With Everything", is a passive skill of the monks.
P #: peak level, an abbreviation for "Paragon level". For example, "P12" refers to the peak level 12, "P100" is a peak level 100, and so on.
PA: the Lingguang Armor, for "Prismatic Armor" abbreviation, which is a Rune Mage energy armor skills. Do not confuse it with the cohesive energy barrier Rune. See: "EA" and "FA".
Permafreeze: unlimited ice, is the Master of a play, use the Frost Nova critical mass and Passive skills. See: "Build" and "CM."
Pets: Pets, players summoned something. The most common is the witch doctor, but other roles can also have a pet, such as Demon Hunter and Mage.
PK: abbreviation for "player kill" or "player killer", it means to kill or directly cause the death of another role player controls behavior is a player-controlled characters. Currently, the most common behavior in expert mode, the PVP yet to be announced. See: "PVP".
PM: secret language abbreviation for "private message", a frequently used messaging system in the game or in the online forums.
Primary Stat: main attributes, namely agility (Demon Hunter and Monk), intelligence (Witch Doctor and Master), strength (barbarians).
PVE: is an abbreviation of "players vs. Environment", often referred to as the PVM or players vs the monsters "refers to a play dominated by players with AI confrontation. See: "PVP".
PVP: abbreviation for "players vs. Players", refers to a battle between the players and the other players mainly a play. See: "PK" and "PVE". (Diablo 3 not provide this functionality)
QQ: from emoticons Q_Q looks like two eyes, tears streaming down both sides. Representatives cry or complain. Not to be confused with Chinese instant messaging software.
Quadfecta: Four Attack, is used to describe the main attributes, attack speed, crit rate and crit damage equipment term of four properties. See: "Trifecta" and "Quintfecta."
Quintfecta: Five attack, a is used to describe the main attributes, the average damage, attack speed, crit rate and crit damage equipment term of five properties. See: "Trifecta" and "Quadfecta."
Rage: anger, when a player is too angry or sad into a temporary severe anxiety, despair, and in the two state common phenomenon. The usual result is in the online comments vent, or in the worst case, to resort to violence. See: "Rage quit."
Rage quit: anger retreat generally difficult for a player to self-sustaining (see: "Rage"). Often in the form of their phone line is unplugged from the wall or on the computer, or simply hit ALT + F4, anger delete the game. Sometimes, but not always the case in real life, players will isolate themselves or depression, or in the most serious cases, causing mental or physical harm to themselves or others. See: "QQ".
RD: hurt the rebound, the abbreviation of "Reflect Damage" is elite and championship strange groups sometimes have affixes the role due to injury, you can bounce back to a certain percentage. See: "Affix".
Resource: energy, Diablo 3 roles to display their skills energy consumption. Divided into: anger (Barbarian), Devil May Cry (hatred and precepts), energy (monks), Mana (witch doctor), Mage (Arcane Power).
RMAH: cash auction house, is an abbreviation for "real money auction house". This allows players to place real money trading goods and daily goods (including gold).
RNG: Random Number Generator, an abbreviation for "Random Number Generator". This is a Diablo 3 where a lot of content related to the system, such as items affixes and quality, elite monster affixes underground city map and path. See also: 'affix' and 'Roll.'
Roll: throw the dice, used to describe the process of random properties of a particular item. When an item is dropped, the properties of the items randomly on the throw of the dice "to determine affix the number and quality of the goods (for example, 50-200 Agility). See: "Affix" and "RNG".
ROT: toad rain, Rain of Toads the abbreviation, which is exclusive witch doctor skills.
Rubberbanding: card, the phrase used to describe the role of a player suddenly "rebound" phenomenon go back to the previous position. This is usually a bug in the game or delay the result. The worst example from the Master, when he uses the wormhole repeatedly sent across the entire map will suddenly "snap back" to the map at the entrance. The Blizzard developers in each patch are claimed to have corrected the problem of the rebound, but the contrast in the actual game.
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