If you still have not decide yet which class to play,you are not alone.Actually a lot of player are still wondering.
According to the survey conducted by the official site,some suppose,they gonna do all classes since every class has its own storyline.A proportion of players choose the Republic just because they want play good guys.And a large number of people are waiting for others to choose,so they can fill in.
To make your decision easier,we have analyzed the SWTOR Classes just for your sake.
Force seeker.If you would like the force-sensitive classes,then you would be recommended the Jedi Consulars and Sith Inquisitors.Both of them are the force heavy classes.
Hero seeker.Tooper is regarded as the defense of the republic.The will to fight,the brave souls both make him the rather advanced ighting force in the galaxy.It is thier guts rather than their gear that makes them tough and outstanding.
Bounty driven seeker.The Bounty hunter and the Smuggler are the bounty seeker respectively in both sides.But of course,they have differences.To remain competitive,the Bounty hunter spares no expense on the gear and always have to prove their value in the battle.The only reason keeps the smuggler on the side of the Rupublic is the freedom.They are the lucky seeker.
Leadership seeker.Sith Warrior is a born leader in any standard,he get both the fear and eternal loyalty into his followers and allies.Sith Warrior has the boldness as the Trooper but he owns the unstoppable force o darkness.The emotions of fear,anger,and hatred from the deep inside make him an brutal foe.A lot of determination and commitment was poured to their goals and opponents.
Peace Guardian seeker.Jedi Knight,always cherish the dream of of peace.They are the artist of the lightsaber tactics actually.A perfect combination of the weapon and the art is gracefully wielded by them.
Scheme Plotter seeker.Imperial Agent possess the varied disguises and stealth enhanced bttle-gear.They are the secret weapon of the Empire.However they depending heavily on the state-of-the-art gear to perform well.Always keep alert.Only small mistakes can incur the catastrophy.
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